Synchronization of StudiLöwe and Moodle

Since the winter semester 2022/23, the courses in StudiLöwe and Moodle have been synchronized. The course areas in Moodle are therefore divided into a "semester area" and an "independent area".

Courses that are considered "semester-dependent" (standard case) are automatically created in the BUW Moodle system when they are entered in StudiLöwe–initially invisible to users.

These automatically created Moodle courses can be made visible by the lecturers if required and used as usual. After four semesters, courses are automatically deleted from the semester area. In exceptional cases and for certain course categories, it is possible to create individual courses in the independent area after individual review by the ZIM, where the deletion periods do not apply.


Below you will find a collection of FAQs on the most important aspects of synchronization.

For teachers

As soon as you create your course in StudiLöwe, your Moodle course will automatically be saved under the same name and initially invisible to your students in the semester area of the new Moodle system. Manual course creation within the semester area is not possible.

When creating your course in StudiLöwe, pay particular attention to the following two points:

  • Has the "Person responsible" course field in StudiLöwe been filled in correctly? Only the person named there will be automatically added to the associated Moodle course as the "Lecturer".
  • Has a "Responsible person" been entered in the "Organizational unit" field? Only courses for which a "responsible person" is entered are synchronized with Moodle.

Visit the StudiLöwe FAQs on the Moodle connection or contact StudiLöwe support. You can find all information on the following page: StudiLöwe FAQ

  • It is not possible to create a course yourself in the independent area.
  • If your course request is for a course that cannot be entered in StudiLöwe or if you need a long-term, cross-semester course - this applies in particular to university-wide service offers, a course can be requested in the semester-independent area in Moodle if certain requirements are met:
    • First check whether a Moodle course already exists for your course in the semester-dependent area.
    • Check whether it is possible to enter your course in StudiLöwe.
  • If neither is the case, submit a request via the "Request course" button in Moodle. The ZIM will then check your application individually. Please contact us if you need further assistance.

The areas in which your courses are automatically created on the basis of StudiLöwe cannot be adjusted. Changing the course name in the semester area is only possible via StudiLöwe. All changes in StudiLöwe are automatically transferred to the current semester in the Moodle system. Please note that changes in StudiLöwe require some time to go through the synchronization process. In individual cases, it can take up to 24 hours for your changes to become visible in the Moodle system.


After a total of four semesters, the oldest semester in the semester area is deactivated in two steps.

These deletion periods do not apply in the independent area. The period of use is based on your requirements and your affiliation to the BUW.

The courses that are created in StudiLöwe for the new semester are synchronized with Moodle from 01.03. for the summer semester and from 01.09. for the winter semester. Synchronization then takes place daily. It can take up to 24 hours for changes made in StudiLöwe to become visible in Moodle.

For students

As soon as the Moodle course belonging to your course has been activated in the semester area by the lecturer, you will find the corresponding link to the Moodle course directly in StudiLöwe. Alternatively, you can use the course search on the Moodle homepage.