Legal Aspects of E-Exams

In order to be able to conduct e-exams in compliance with legal requirements, it is essential to adhere to general examination regulations as well as specific technical provisions.

Examination data must be securely and permanently stored during and after the e-exam. Until the end of the official retention period, every exam submission must be uniquely attributable to an examinee, and access for review must be possible at any time.

To ensure compliance, ZIM offers an end-to-end workflow for the entire preparation, execution, and particularly the post-processing of e-exams. This workflow includes access for inspection and the secure storage of examination data in the Central Examinations Office (ZPA).

For e-exams@uni, the e-exams are conducted under invigilation on ZIM’s computers to ensure that the e-exams are protected against manipulation. Access to the examination environment is restricted to a network specially isolated for e-exams, running on redundant, dedicated examination servers. This setup ensures maximum data security.

Department 6 – Framework for Examination Regulations and Module Reference Books

Section 6.1 Study and Teaching | Examinations

ORCA Legal Information Centre

Teaching staff can address their legal questions directly to the ORCA Legal Information Centre for targeted advice.