• There is a box \'Identifikation\'. Deselect all items exept \'PEAP\'. Save the configuration by clicking OK. You will see the 802.1x menu again.
  • Choose \'Ethernet (integriert)\' in the item \'Netzwerk-Anschluss\'.
  • Choose \'Ändern der Konfiguration\' in the menu item \'Konfiguration\'. You should see following window:
  • Now you can log in with your account data and password you use for internetcafé or mail within university. Click \'Verbinden\'.
  • If this window appears click \'Fortfahren/Continue\'. By now the connection status should change to \'Verbunden\'.


How to configure LAN Access via 802.1x using MAC OS X 10.4:

  • Start the program \'Internet-Verbindung\' in the folder \'Programme\'
  • Next choose \'802.1x\'. If inexistent create an new menu item using menu \'Ablage\' and \'Neue 802.1x Verbindung\'.


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