Central Address Book of the BUW

The User Support runs a central an LDAP based directory service.

It contains all of the staff members from the BUW with their current contact details. You can embed the LDAP based directory service as an address book into your mail client to simplify the mail address search inside the university.

You can find instructions about the LDAP server settings in detail for

  • Outlook 2010/2013
  • Mozilla Thunderbird 38.x
  • OS X 10.8+

If there is no instruction for your mail client, here you have the following parameters required for the settings:

LDAP server or server name: kontakte.uni-wuppertal.de

LDAP Server-Port: 389/636 (SSL empfohlen)

Basis-DN oder Suchbasis: ou=university,dc=uni-wuppertal,dc=de