Information for Students

Taking your first e-exam and wondering what to expect? Then you’ve come to the right place!

In this FAQs you will find all the relevant information about the process of e-exams, broken down into the two possible formats ‘@uni’ and ‘@home’, and answers to frequently asked questions.

FAQs | General Information

The e-exam team offers students taking an e-exam for the first time the opportunity to participate in a mock exam each semester.
This is a good opportunity to familiarise yourself with the structure of the exam system in advance. You can take the mock exam at home on your private computer (Zoom login with your ZIM account) while being accompanied via Zoom. 

No pre-registration is required for the mock exams!

Next Dates

The mock exams for the winter semester 2024/2025 will take place in three slots (10:00 am, 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm) on 15 January 2025 and will last about 30 minutes each.

Your lecturers will provide you with the Zoom meeting access details.

FAQs | E-Exams@Uni

On the exam day, please arrive early at the designated waiting point of the e-exam rooms (stairwell LMN, level 11, or stairwell STU, level 09). The invigilator will escort you as a group to the exam room.

Procedure in the e-exam room:

  • Switch off all digital devices (phones, smartwatches, etc.), place them in your bag, and store it, along with jackets or other unneeded items, on the shelves or designated storage areas along the wall.
  • Bring a photo ID and your student ID card for identity verification, and take a seat at a free or your pre-assigned workstation. 
  • After an introductory briefing by your invigilator and technical instructions from a member of the e-exam team, you will be guided through the entire login process until you reach the start button for your e-exam. The exam starts collectively, and your time begins once you click the corresponding button.

Your lecturers will let you know when and where you your e-exam will take place. You will be informed of the building, the room and, if applicable, your assigned seat.

At the Grifflenberg campus, there are three e-exam rooms:

  • L.11.22 (Building L, Level 11, Room 22/27)
  • T.09.01 (Building T, Level 09, Room 01)
  • T.09.20 (Building T, Level 09, Room 20/23)

Feel free to use the Campus Navi feature in the Campus App of the University of Wuppertal to quickly locate the rooms, or follow our signposts visible along the typical access routes.

  • A photo ID for identity verification (passport or national ID card).
  • Your student ID card.
  • You may bring a drink with you to your workstation if it is in a sealable container. Food is only allowed to a limited extent. Make sure that you leave your workstation clean after the exam.
  • You will be informed by your lecturer in advance whether you need additional materials and aids such as pens, paper or calculators.

First of all: Don’t panic! Everything will be okay!

A member of the e-exam team is present at every e-exam@uni and will help if issues arise. But even in this case, you do not need to worry, as the LPLUS examination system automatically saves your progress every minute, ensuring no essential data is lost.

FAQs | E-Exams@Home

If your exam is taken as an e-exam@home, you must remain logged into the associated Zoom meeting with your ZIM account for the entire duration of the exam. It is strongly recommended that you install the Zoom Client on your desktop PC or laptop.

Your lecturer will provide the access details for the meeting, which you can test beforehand. Initially, you will enter a Zoom waiting room and be admitted to the exam at the designated start time. Please be patient until then :)

Identity verification is performed using a photo ID, which you will hold up to the camera. You are welcome to cover any information that is not (!) required on your ID card (except for your photo, first name and surname). 

The link to the exam will be distributed via the Zoom meeting.

To ensure a stable internet connection, position yourself near your router if using Wi-Fi. Also make sure that you will not be disturbed during the exam (no visitors, no phone calls, etc.) and that you are alone in a closed room.

Clear your workstation of unnecessary materials and prepare a drink/snack as well as your switched-off mobile phone for potential support needs before the exam starts.

You need a laptop or desktop PC with a fully functional internet connection, a camera and a microphone. Android tablets, iPads with iOS or mobile phones are not (!) suitable for e-exams@home.

We strongly recommend using Chrome or another Chromium-based browser.

Make sure that your device is connected to a power supply and, if possible, use a LAN connection. Also remember to deactivate automatic updates during the exam.

First of all: Don’t panic! Everything will be okay!

At the start of your exam, have pen and paper ready to write down the phone numbers for technical support provided by the e-exam team. If you need assistance, give us a call!

If connection issues occur during the exam that are beyond your control, we will work with you to ensure the exam can be resumed. The invigilation staff will ultimately decide whether the exam may continue or whether a significant interruption occurred.
If no technical issue is evident and the camera connection is interrupted, the exam will be graded as ‘failed’ (5.0).