E-Exam Rooms

Our exam rooms are located on the Grifflenberg campus. During exam periods, ZIM provides a total of 153 computer workstations for conducting e-exams. These are distributed across three rooms as follows:

  • L.11.22/27: max. 75 examinees
  • T.09.01: max. 48 examinees
  • T.09.20/23: max. 30 examinees

In addition, we offer four exam stations for students with compensation for disadvantage in room L.11.29, adjacent to L.11.22/27. Use of these stations requires individual coordination.

A maximum of four exam sessions can take place per day. This means that a total of approximately 600 individual exams per day are possible.

To help you allocate students to the e-exam rooms, the individual room plans are available in the right-hand column of this page. In addition, we provide maps of the Grifflenberg campus with our e-exam rooms highlighted in color for you to download.

For e-exams@uni, the e-exam team takes care of marking pathways to and within the rooms, as well as posting behavioural guidelines. The responsibility for admitting and dismissing students from the exam rooms and conducting identity verification lies with your invigilation staff.

ZIM in Action!

Configuring a Desk for Our Pop-Up E-Exam Room

Preparing Our Pop-Up E-Exam Room